Yes, 100%. All of our leads are fresh and generated within 24 hours.
Every lead include prospect name, email, website url and phone no with reply.
Yes, we are giving 100% guarantee that all of our leads are exclusive and fresh. All the leads generated by our inhouse team and mentioned lead generated time and date.
We can deliver maximum of 100 leads per month. We are always trying to focus on quality rather than quantity. Client satisfaction is our main motto.
Definitely, No. It’s completely against our rules. We never ever doing these things. We will use your template and put your name, may be phone no on regards field, so that only you can contact to leads. When we get leads we will forward those leads to you instantly and then you can communicate and convert those leads.
6. Being a SEO Company, why you selling seo leads? Why you are not using those leads for your sales?
We are a SEO Company, but we have two separate team for lead generation. One of the team is generating leads for inhouse and another team generating leads for sell. Also another reason is we are generating leads in thousands per month, so its too difficult to communicate with all leads. Lead generation is a big source of income for our company as well.
All leads are fresh and exclusive with all the contact details. Maximum 1% to 2% leads may be outdated. Don’t worry, we can replace those leads if we found something like that. We can replace maximum of 1 – 2 leads from 10 leads order.